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ACL Configuration


NS Recipe supports fine-grained permissions: access, view mode, edit mode, edit self items, delete self-items... Discover what NS Recipe is capable of.

NS Recipe permissions

IMPORTANT Permissions configuration is MANDATORY if you plan to use the front-end recipe submission feature.

NS recipe uses native Joomla Permissions System.
Components > NS Recipe > Options > Permissions

YooRecipe Permissions Manager

Available permissions are:

Allow Users of group to edit NS Recipe Options.
Access Administration Interface
Allow Users of group to access administration interface.
Allow Users of group to Create recipes.
Allow Users of group to modify ANY recipe.
Edit State
Allow Users of group to modify recipe status (published, validated, and featured).
Edit Own
Allow Users of group to modify recipes they created.
Report Comments
Allow Users of group to Report Comments.
Allow Users of group to Delete ANY recipe.
Delete own elements
Allow Users of group to delete recipes they created.
  • Wednesday, 19 July 2017

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