By Matt on Monday, 01 November 2021
Category: In the News

Our RSForm Plugins

We have discontinued all of our RSForm plugins as of this time.

Over the years we have built a few plugins for RSForm. Many were built for specific projects and released/distributed as subscriptions to help offset support and minor update costs.

Now we find ourselves at a crossroad and have decided to discontinue development and support for all of the RSForm plugins we have developed. Unfortunately, they just haven't been sustainable with the low number of subscriptions and the needed development hours to make updates. With the Release of RSForm 3, the installer and how it handles plugins has changed, making all of our form plugins incompatible.

Our Stipe for RSForm plugin was the first plugin that allowed you to process Stipe payments and reoccurring payments/donations. At the time it was the only plugin available until RSJoomla released their own version. We did continue maintaining the plugin because it had some features (reoccurring donation payments) that that were not available with the RSJoomla version. Over time subscriptions dwindled and the cost to maintain the plugin outweighed the subscriptions drastically.

Our CiviCRM for RSForm plugin, although being the only plugin of its kind has had a very low number of users since it's release (Less than 5). Again we find ourselves in the same position. The development labor costs far exceeds the income generated.

As much as I would like to continue to maintain some of these plugins, it just is not sustainable to continue to do so.

If you have a specific need and budget we would be happy to provide a quote to upgrade an extension for you to make it compatible with the current version of RSForm, CiviCRM and Joomla. Feel free to shoot us a message using out quote request form with your needs and we will get back to you.