The Joomla! Extensions Directory now houses over 7300 extensions and is growing at a rapid rate!
As of this writing there are 0, zero, zilch, no pending extensions in the new submission queue that are waiting to be processed. However, there are 200+ with errors waiting for developers to make corrections.
Here are some of the most common submission errors that I have seen in the past month.
Every folder that an extension creates during the install process is required to have an index.html file. Basic secuirty people. Even if in doubt put an index.html file in there and save everyone some time.
Take creadit for your work and make sure every php file has a header with some basic infomation and a license notice.
Here's an example, feel free to copy and paste and add your infomation.
* @version 1.0
* @package Your Extension Name
* @author: Your Name
* @support: Your Contact Info
* @copyright 2011 Your Name. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL version 2, see LICENSE.txt
* This version may have been modified pursuant to the
* GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative
* of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free
* or open source software licenses.
Is a header required to have all of that infomation? Nope. But it's decent starting point. Technically all you are required to have is the GPL information.
I 'm sure a good portion of those are intentionally left out in hope that we won't check to make sure your license is GPL compatable. But have no fear; we look. If you're developing extensions for Joomla! you should be well aware that if you want it listed in the JED it has to be GPL compatable. So what does that mean exactly?
No usage limitations, however you can limit support by domains.
No limitation on modifications. If someone want's to remove your link at the bottom of the page, under the GPL they can. The only thing they have to leave in place are those pesky PHP headers.
No limitations on distribution. GPL is designed to promote open source and fuel creativity. Maybe someone found your extension and they have a great idea on how to expand or modify it. As long as you're given the proper credit there's nothing wrong with it. Heck we even have rules about those situations: Forked Extensions.
Not sure why it's still an issue as there are instructions right next to the upload blocks. First off, each extension can be listed in the directory once. So if you have a version for Joomla! 1.5 and one for Joomla! 1.6 don't create a new submission. Simply update your existing submission.
If you have 2 versions simply drop them into a zip file and name it and upload it.
Open Source Matters owns the Joomla! name and has a process in place that allows you the privelage of using Joomla! in your domain names and extension names on a case-by-case basis.
It is wise to submit your request, which can be done here, to OSM and wait for the approval before submitting your extension to the directory. That way if you don't get approved you can make the necessary changes to the extension and avoid getting flagged with an error.
The most common issue I see when it comes to extension names is the first word cannot be Joomla. For instance 'Joomla Analytics' won't get approved but 'Analytics for Joomla' would be OK.