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What Math Functions are Supported?

The NS Formula module uses a standard math javascript.

Unary Operations
-x Change the sign of x
~x Bitwise NOT x
++x Add 1 to x before using x
x++ Add 1 to x after using x
--x Subtract 1 from x before using x
x-- Subtract 1 from x after using x
Binary Operations
x*y Multiply x by y
x/y Divide x by y
x+y Add x and y
x-y Subtract y from x
x^y x to the Power of y
Mathmatical Functions
abs(x) Change the sign of x
acos(x) Bitwise NOT x
asin(x) Add 1 to x before using x
atan(x) Add 1 to x after using x
atan2(x,y) Subtract 1 from x before using x
ceil(x) Subtract 1 from x after using x
cos(x) Cosine of x
^(x) Exponent of x (Math.E to the power x)
floor(x) Integer Closest to x, Not Greater than y
log(x) Log of a Base x
max(x,y) The Maximum of x and y
min(x,y) The Minimum of x and y
pow(x,y) x to the Power of y
sin(x) Sine of x
sqrt(x) Square Root of x
tan(x) Tangent of x
  • Friday, 21 July 2017

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